Vision and Mission

Realization of Excellent Study Programs in the Field of Development of Regional Economics that Supports the Achievement of International Agro-industry
Learning Process
Organizing the learning process with a regional economy-based curriculum
Carry out research activities in a broad horizon regarding the regional economy
Student are able to internalize attitudes through personality and behavior based on the values of piety and humanity
General Skills
Student are able to conduct research on sustainable regional economic development that supports agro-industry and publish the results in scientific forums
Special skill
Student are able to construct sustainable regional economic development plans that support agro-industry
Able to apply quantitative and qualitative methods in solving sustainable regional economic development problems that support agro-industry
Student are able to analyze the concept of economic theory and development economics in sustainable regional economic development that supports agro-industry

Master of Economics FEB UNEJ Registration
Want to study at the Study Program Master of Economics Faculty of Economics and Business UNEJ ?
Get to know us and follow the registration to become part of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember.

Dr. Teguh Hadi Priyono, S.E., M.Si.
Head of Development Economics Department
Dr. Duwi Yunitasari, S.E., M.E.
Secretary of Development Economics Department
Dr. Endah Kurnia Lestari, S.E., M.E.
Head of the Master of EconomicsContact Us
Gg. 5, Tegal Boto Lor, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur
(0331) 337990